WRITERS’ HOUSE VILLA KIVI is a stronghold for writers and writers’ societies in Linnunaulu, Helsinki, by Töölönlahti bay. Villa Kivi constitutes of 14 workrooms for writers as well as three residency guest rooms for artists visiting Helsinki short-term.

THE PARTY FACILITIES OF VILLA KIVI are rented for organising various kinds of events. Such events could be for example, weddings, confirmation parties, post-doctoral parties, graduations, family meetings, birthdays, or other celebrations, as well as seminars, training programmes and other business events, which are all suitable to be held at the charming premises that Villa Kivi has, to offer. In addition, the ten-person sauna located at the annex of Villa Kivi is available for renting.


Kivi-talo Foundation- Villa Kivi
Tel. +358504606865 (calls during the weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm)