Writers’ Residency – Aleksis and Eino

There are two Residency rooms, Aleksis and Eino. Both rooms have a bed suitable for one (Eino) or two (Aleksis) persons, a writing desk and a chair. The furniture is basic. Linen and towels are included. There is a shared kitchen and a bathroom/toilet. The kitchen is equipped with e.g. fridge, filter coffee machine, an electric hot water pot, a toaster, a micro-wave oven and common utensils for cooking and eating. Residency guests have also access to a washing machine and a bicycle.

Villa Kivi Residency has three rooms in the side building of the Villa Kivi estate. Aleksis and Eino are used for longer-term residence and the third room, Edith, is reserved for writers and members of the literary community visiting Helsinki for short-term accommodation.

Aleksis (13.5 m2) accommodates 1-2 persones. There is a view to the Töölönlahti Bay. Residency period for Aleksis is one month, from the first day until the last day of each calendar month. The Residency fee is 990 € per month, additional fee 100 € for a second person.

Aleksis Kivi (1834-1872)was the first professional author, a novelist, poet and a playwright, writing consistently in Finnish language. His main works are the novel Seven Brothers and the comedy The Heath Cobblers. Kivi means stone in English. He is considered to be the National Writer of Finland. His birthday, October 10th, is celebrated as the National Day of Literature.

For more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksis_Kivi

Eino (9,5 m2) accommodates one person. Residency period for Eino is two weeks, beginning and ending on every second Wednesday. The Residency fee is  550 € for two weeks. 

Eino Leino (1878-1926) was a writer, poet, journalist and critic, the all-time most reknown and beloved poet writing in Finnish. He also frequented the Linnunlaulu Villa Nr 10 often, nowadays known as Villa Kivi. His birthday, July 6th, is celebrated as the National Day of Poetry and Summer.

For more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eino_Leino

The application for both Residencies and short-term accommodation is continuous. Read carefully through the instructions for applications and check the vacancy situation here. You will find the application form here. Applications for short-term accommodation should be free form via email, no project working plan required, more information found here.

You can fill in the application form in English, Finnish or Swedish.

The applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. Information about the decision will be emailed to the applicants within one month from the reception of the application. Please note that no pets are allowed.

More information: 

Kivi-talo säätiö – stiftelsen Villa Kivi – Villa Kivi Foundation

Iiris Haapala, residenssi@villakivi.com